BCS Cultural Events
Every year BCS hosts various cultural events to celebrate Bangladeshi and Canadian culture.

International Mother Language Day (IMLD)
International Mother Language Day events seek to celebrate the Bengali language movement. The event hosted a series of beautiful performances that included dances, poetry recitation and singing for all community members to enjoy. The event also hosted an art competition where many kids created a piece representing the Bengali language.IMLD urged others to be more confident about their culture and heritage they come from which made individuals a lot more comfortable about their unique differences in this western society.

Bengali New Year (Pohela Boishakh)
The Bangla New Year was a wonderful and entertaining celebration with fun activities and performances such as art competition, dancing, singing and drama for all community members to enjoy. This event displayed the Bengali culture and heritage to the community in order for more people to be more familiar with their beautiful tradition. As well as the bengali group to feel more accepted within their community.

Canada Day
BCS celebrates Canada Day every year in July to show gratitude towards our Country. This year BCS Celebrated Canada day by showing solidarity with indigenous people and communities. With the tragic events of finding bodies of children buried in many residential schools, Canada was in grief. So BCS decided to stand in solidarity with indigenous people and talk about the micro and macro level issues and problems of indigenous people. For this tragic event, BCS had a zoom meeting and encouraged people to learn and give support to indigenous lives. This allowed BCS to spread awareness on these issues and the importance of understanding the history of the indigenous people to those who joined the event.

Independence Day of Bangladesh
International Mother Language Day events seek to celebrate the Bengali language movement. The event hosted a series of beautiful performances that included dances, poetry recitation and singing for all community members to enjoy. The event also hosted an art competition where many kids created a piece representing the Bengali language. BCS was fortunate to have over 400 visitors attend the event. IMLD urged others to be more confident about their culture and heritage they come from which made individuals a lot more comfortable about their unique differences in this western society.

The Taste of Taylor Massey
The Taste of Taylor Massey is a multicultural food festival BCS, and Access Alliance hosts every year. This event's goal is to showcase a variety of food and meals from around the world to their community The team developed creative and fun activities that could be delivered through an online statue that can be enjoyable for all, even though a screen. Over 70 individuals joined the zoom event for this memorable, exciting experience. The Taste of Taylor Massey encouraged others to try new foods and experience other ethnic cultures they may not be familiar with, as well as bringing more diversity into the community.
Settlement Services
As a community agency, BCS is an advocate for immigrants whether it is about having equal rights or eliminating the discrimination that they face.BCS provide information on how to survive and prosper in Canada, how to navigate legal procedures, healthcare settings and offer translation services to newcomers and community members. We assist approximately 4000 individuals and newcomers find the correct information,assist with filing forms, apply and secure social benefits, receive ODSP, get their health cards and their SIN numbers and many more services that newcomers might need. Our services are aimed at newcomers who find it difficult to settle down in Canada and navigate the Canadian systems. BCS is proud to work with individuals who are brave enough to make a new life for themselves in Canada and the services that are provided helps them integrate into Canadian society.